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Culture Night

Virtual CULTURE NIGHT - May 20th 2021!

Committee Chairs Naomi Nelson and Brooke Bassuk proudly present our LAST PTA EVENT for this year! Culture Night has taken many turns in the planning this year but we have not compromised on how special this event will be. This year Culture Night will be all virtual!

Especially in this unique time of physical separation, we hope that you can take away an impression, however small, of the impact and joy that a cultural event brings.

Our Annual Fashion Show will highlight traditional dress and Grizzlies visiting landmarks around the world!

We imagine we will really be visiting these places in the near future but how cool to be able to reminisce about travel together!

PLEASE send your pictures!*


Please share your favorite and loved family recipe. Tell us a story of why you chose it? Does it remind you of a loved one or family holiday? Maybe it’s just what your family makes for special occasions. Let’s Feast on these treasured recipes!

*Template below*

Sign up here ⬇️ for the recipe you will be submitting. This will help us organize the cookbook in categories.

Don’t miss this PTA Sponsored event!

May 3

Staff Appreciation Week

August 17

TK/K Giant Otter Pop Party!