Let us grow together Willow Grove Elementary!
Membership is open to everyone!
Anyone who wants to make a difference in the lives of Willow Grove students can join! This includes parents, grandparents, educators, students and friends! There is no commitment to volunteer when you join the PTA, although your time and talent is always welcome!
Why Join the PTA?
Your PTA Membership and donations help create a community and connect children and families together through a variety of ways including:
• Free events such as Cultural Night, Movie Night, Grizzlies’ Got Talent Show, STEAM Night, and the Parent/Student Dance!
• Supporting teachers
• Replacing playground equipment
• green folders, classroom and workroom supplies
• and much, much, more!
Membership Levels:
Cub Hug Membership: $20 each (2024-25 Individual Membership)
If you would like to support our school by making a donation in addition to the $20 membership dues, we have the following Individual Membership options available as well:
Bear Hug Membership: $40 each (Includes $20 Membership Fee + Donation)
Grizzly Hug Membership: $100 each (Includes $20 Membership Fee + Donation)
Corporate Matching = Double Your Donation
Don't forget to ask your employer to match your donation. See if your company is on the corporate matching list. If you see them on the list, contact your HR or Corporate Giving department and let them know you would like them to match!
PTA Membership Perks
National PTA is proud to offer a variety of discounts through the National PTA's Member Benefits Provider Program. Members receive special discounts to AARP, Boxed, Staples, rental car companies, insurance providers, and many more businesses. For a full list of available discounts, please visit the National PTA website.
California State PTA also offers membership perks, including discounts to local attractions and other businesses. For a full list of the California State PTA's exclusive member offers, visit the California PTA website.
The Willow Grove Elementary PTA is a non-profit organization under IRS Code 501(c)(3) EIN #90-0388065. Donations, including your Willow Grove PTA membership dues, are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Per Bylaws, actual dues for membership is $20, with $5.85 of it going to the local PTA Chapter.